Exhibitions Prosthetics by Joseph Grigely

...moving closer to the artwork involves moving away from the artwork—to look closer at fringes and margins and representations, and ask what seems to me a very fundamental question: to what extent are these various exhibition conventions actually part of the art—and not merely an extension of it?

Exhibition Prosthetics explores the artist's use of language and images as a means of representation that furthers the reach of The Real. It is the first in the Bedford Press Editions series of artists’ books edited by Zak Kyes; the ongoing series will engage with publications as a primary medium of practice, enabling artists to explore the inherent constraints and possibilities of the printed document.

8.2 x 11.2 inches / Bedford Press / London / 2011

We are now at Books & Books! For purchasing information, please visit https://shop.booksandbooks.com/exhibition-prosthetics


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