April 14 - may 31

mochi-LA at EXILE

mochi-LA is a cross-border meme, a backpack filled with unique
printed matter and editorial content produced in Latin America,
destined for a foreign audience. The mochi-LA is designed to travel
around the U.S. to bookstores, schools and art spaces as a resource
and catalyst; a portable library, mochi-LA showcases Latino publishers
and promotes the visionary bilingual collaborations between
artists and writers taking place in Latin America and internationally.

mochi-LA evokes the intimate exchange and peripatetic nature
of publishing and collaborative processes. mochi-L A  also
acknowledges the importance of the backpack as a powerful
symbol of cross cultural migration.

Mochila is Spanish for backpack. It was conceived by diSONARE (Mexico) and

ANTEPROJECTS (California) as a simple yet effective way to gather and promote independent Latin American publishers as part of the Getty’s Pacific Standard Time: LA/LA.

For more information: www.mochi-la.com