Saturday, September 10 from 1-4 pm

PAMM Free Second Saturdays: Printapooloza program. Get to know your local printmakers by exploring different pop-up stations and printmaking techniques.
Join Exile Books at their pop-up Basquiat X Zine workshop. Create your very own Basquiat fanzine- a DIY publication that will pay homage to the process and persona of Jean-Michel Basquiat. Taking inspiration from Basquiat: The Unknown Notebooks that is currently on view in the museum, this workshop will provide you with the tools and source materials to produce your own self-published composition notebook zine in tribute to this legendary artist. From poetic thoughts and observations, wordplay, sketches, anatomical references, imagery, hieroglyphic symbols, and street works that were created under his pseudonym
SAMO©, browse thru a collection of raw source materials to feel inspired by this artist’s pure concentrated creative energy.
Supplies and material will be provided and the workshop will include a demonstration of binding techniques as well as examples of fanzines.
PAMM Museum location and parking info here
Special thanks to the Art Days in Downtown Miami for making this event possible!