April 15th, 2018 11-5 pm

The Miami Zine Fair is back again

In its fourth year, EXILE places this year's Fair at the Little Haiti Cultural Complex, in the midst of the diverse and dynamic neighborhood that our storefront calls home. In partnership with O, Miami Poetry Festival, the Zine Fair will present the wide array of makers who are embracing the art of self publishing in our city, engaging individuals of all ages and backgrounds. The fair holds something for everyone: visitors will discover hundreds of independently-produced printed works on display by local and international artists. Ranging from the simply stapled to the saddle-stitched, the public is invited to touch, feel, peruse, and even smell.

The Miami Zine Fair is an inclusive event that celebrates the diversity of our Miami zine community! We showcase a broad range of both emerging and established artists and also represent a variety of zine styles and perspectives from independent self publishers and small presses. A portion of our proceeds will be donated to Tradisyon Lakou Lakay, which programs arts and cultural youth initiatives in Little Haiti.

MZF Safer Space Policy: We welcome YOU.

The Miami Zine Fair 2017 is a Safer Space, which means the event is intended to be an experience free of disrespectful behaviors, words and actions. We want to insure that the Zine Fair is a harassment-free environment for anyone regardless of their race, gender, sexual orientation, religion or ethnicity.

During the events this weekend, we expect that our participants:

Respect the opinions, beliefs and identities of others.
Practice respect for others’ physical and emotional boundaries.
Always receive explicit verbal consent when taking a photo of someone else or crossing other personal boundaries.
Are responsible for their actions and aware of the impact they may have on others.

EXILE reserves the right to ask violators of the MZF’s Safer Spaces Policy to change or address their behavior(s) or language. If individuals violating the policy are unable to amend their offensive behavior, they will be asked to leave the event.

Our Safer Spaces policy is inspired by the framework of other zine fairs around the country who openly encourage inclusion and equality. We would like to credit the following for informing the Miami Zine Fair’s safer space: Chicago Zine Fest, Toronto Queer Zine Fair, San Francisco Zine Fest, Lexington Ephemera Fest, among many others.