February 10, 2018 2-6 pm

Maggic Banquet at EXILE!

¡Los invitamos a comer unas tapas con nosotros el sábado, 10 de febrero, de 2 a 6 pm en The Maggic Banquet en EXILE.
Una performance gastronómica participativa del artista Antoni Miralda, The Maggic Banquet celebra la diversidad del patrimonio de nuestra ciudad explorando la historia cultural de Maggi, la marca de condimentos universal y ubicua.

Have a bite with us Saturday, February 10th, 2-6pm when The Maggic Banquet pops up at EXILE!

A participatory food performance by the internationally acclaimed Miami and Barcelona-based artist Antoni Miralda, the Banquet celebrates our city's diverse heritage by tracing the cultural history of Maggi, the ubiquitous and universal seasoning brand.

please RSVP to info@exilebooks.com

The EXILE Team

In partnership with the Museum of Art and Design, Miami Dade College and their performance series, LIVING TOGETHER.