November 2020

The Zine Pool is Wide Open

Do you want to share your zine with everybody? How about throwing down for an opportunity to have yours published in one of our forthcoming projects?...and GET PAID FOR IT! - $100 will be awarded to each artist that is selected to be included in one of our Four Zine Fête Sets!

How does it work?

  • It is FREE to submit your zine to the pool. SUBMIT YOUR WORK HERE! 
  • An esteemed panel of judges will review the pool party and make a selection of 15 to go in each set. 
  • EXILE will print a run of the zine to be included in our 4 forthcoming mail order Zine Fete Sets
  • Each artist will receive $100 and 10 copies of their zine in return. 

How is the selection made? There are themes that the judges will be looking for...

  • Fête #1 - ACTIVISM 

We are looking for printed works that champion a wide variety of causes. The jury will seek works that highlight the democratic nature of zinemaking and grassroots activism that represents the political, environmental, and economic issues concerning Miami's tropical geography and international blend of cultures. 

  • Fête #2- EROTIC

We are seeking printed works that cover the wide range of topics concerning all spectrums of sexuality. The next jury will select works that speak to sex positivity, sensuality, sexual aweness, LGBTQ themes, and provocative artistic expression,. 

  • Fête #3 - YUMMY    

We’ve got a taste for printed works concerning topics related to food, cooking, eating and any related topics. This jury will look for works that explore the food industry, farming, culinary traditions and expressions of taste and aroma.

  • Fête #4 - KIDDO       

Show us your zines that encourage discovery, tickles the imagination, and builds healthy self esteem. The last jury will look for works that emphasize learning, play and offer activity based exercises for the kiddos.